Welcome to Kenai's page at hazinas.dk

Lena (Kennel Hazinas) about Kenai:
"I have had the pleasure of fetching Kenai many times at his home and driven off to various dog shows in Denmark- and once in Sweden. Many times I also have had one more dog with me in the car, and Kenai is always very friendly towards his travel mates. His owners confirm that he plays well with other dogs he meets on his way, and he has no male aggression. It is such a pleasure to travel with him and he is so easy to handle at dog shows as he really wants to work and keeps excellent contact. Of course it helps that he loves his titbits so much. When he is sitting in his canvas cage with his head up through the open top, he is alwas generous with kissis, if you put your head down to him. He has a wounderfull expression and calmness in his eyes - an RR male to die for in my opinion. Julie and I have plans of course to use him in Kennel Hazinas breeding in the near future - how could we not - but he is of course available for other suitable females as well." Sire:
Djungelkattens K-Nineridged Klever
Hazinas 4th Tafika (Fika)
Kenai's Pedigree
ED: 0/0
OCD: Free
JME: N/N - non-carrier
EOAD: N/N - non-carrier
DM: N/n - carrier
Dilute: Clear
B-Lokus: B/b (carrier of the livernose gene)
Ridge: R/r - (Heterozygote)
Kenai got his first winner title In Odense in 2017, going BOB, BIG and BIS3 handled beautifully by Julie, his breeder, and co-owner of Kennel Hazinas since 2016.
At the Herning International show in the beginning of november 2017 Kenai got his final CAC and became Danish Champion, handeled by his owner, Dorte.
In Roskilde (day 2) 2018 Kenai went BOB and BIG4, handled by Lena.
He went BISS 2018 and won Best Head, Best Movement and Best Danish Breeder at the yearly Club Specialty 2018, handled again by his breeder, Julie.
Kenai is a candidate for the title International Champion (C.I.B) - he has 4 CACIB from Denmark and 1 from Sweden. We are waiting for the 1 year time rule to pass untill we travel at some point to get his final CACIB that will give him the C.I.B. title.
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Kenai's father (Klever) is a Multi Champion having gained championships in Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Estonia and Lativia, and he is also International Champion, Nordic Champion and Swedish Bloodtracking Champion. He was placed as Best in Show on the Swedish Breed Specialty in 2012. Klever is a proud, beautiful livernosed Rhodesian Ridgeback, with excellent working dog skills.
Kenai's mother (Fika), has the Danish Championship, the German (VDH) Veteran Championship and the German Club Veteran Championship (RRCD). She has also two Danish winner titles: Copenhagen Winner 2011 and Copenhagen Veteran Winner 2016. Furthermore, Fika has the title ROM (Register of Merit), which is given to RR Females that have 5 or more Champion offspring (and RR males that have 10 or more Champion offspring).
Fika has 6 champion offspring.
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Kenai's full data:
Born: |
27th December 2014 |
Sire: |
Djungelkattens K-Nineridged Klever |
Dam: |
Hazinas 4th Tafika |
Height: |
69 cm |
Weight: |
46 kg |
Color: |
Red wheaten |
HD (hips): |
A/A (free) |
ED (elbows): |
0/0 (free) |
OCD (shoulders): |
JME: |
N/N - Clear |
N/N - Clear |
DM: |
N/n - Carrier |
Ridge: |
R/r (Homozygote) |
B Locus: |
B/b - Carrier of livernose gen |
Dilute: |
D/D - Clear |
Bite |
Full dentition and correct bite |
Temperament: |
Extremely friendly cuddely and playfull male with a loving nature. Well balanced, calm and obedient. Sufficient reserved towards strangeres. Easy going with other dogs. No male aggression. Easily trained. |
Dermoid Sinus: |
Kenai comes from Hazinas 4th Tafika's third litter free of Dermoid Sinus.
Up till now there has been no Dermoid Sinus in Hazinas breeding. |
Kenai at home in his garden:

At the IDS in Roskilde Kenai once again went Best Male and BOS.
Judge: Erja Nummi.

Kenai (right) went Best Male and BOS at the club show in Middelfart and sister Xola (left) went BOB.
Judge: Milada Krchnava.

The success continues at the first IDS in 2019 - Once again Kenai went Best Male with CACIB at the IDS Fredericia. We are so proud of him.
Judge: Michael Leonard.

At the IDS Herning (2nd day) Kenai once again went Best Male with CACIB and new title Danish Winner 2018.
Judge: Leif Lehmann Jørgensen.

Kenai goes Best Male with CACIB and gets the title Copenhagen Winner 2018 at the IDS Ballerup.
Judge: Nada Nikolic.

After a nice and very long holiday break, and being celebrated as RIDGEBACK OF THE YEAR 2018, Kenai went in the ring again handled by his breeder Julie at the Danish Specialty Show 2018. Here he went BOB and won the titles Best Head, Beast Movement and Best Danish Bread RR. And he also got the Club Champion Title. Judge: Karin van Klaveren.

Trippel Dog Show in Roskilde, Denmark
(1 x Nordic and 2 x International)
Both Friday and Sunday Kenai went BM4.
Saturday under judge: Jessie Borregaard Madsen (DK) Kenai went BEST MALE with CACIB, BOB and later BIG4 under judge Colette Muldoon.

Club Show in Strøby, Denmark.
Judge: Monika Pehr (DE).
Kenai goes BEST MALE and BOB and gets his 2nd Club CAC and his sister Xola goes BOS.

International Dog Show in Malmö, Sweden.
Judge: Sofie Krigholm (SE).

Lovely day in the show ring.
Kenai (left) goes BOB at the Danish Club Show in Billund and his litter sister, Xola, goes BOS.
Judge: Vanessa Moyano (ES)

Kenai participated in the World Dog Show 2017 in Leipzig. He was awarded Excellent and, therefore, entered the ring again for final placement in Open Class. In total over 300 Rhodesian Ridgebacks were entered. 49 males in Open Class.

Kenai goes 2nd Best Male with CAC at Herning International and becomes NEW DANISH CHAMPION:

Kenai goes BEST OF BREED, BEST IN GROUP and BEST IN SHOW 3 in Odense and gets the title H.C. Andersen Winner 2017:

Kenai goes 2nd Best Male at Herning International and gets his first CAC:

Slagelse, 23/04 2016
"1 1/2 year, well developed strong male of excellent type, excellent head and expression, eyes ears bite ok ,beautiful neck well defined whithers, good bone and feet, excellent ribcage, well angulated in front and rear, must improve a bit on the move, ridge and crown excellent."
- Joop Hiddes, NL

Herning, 06/11 2016
"Young male with good lines, exc lenght of head, very nice profile and good expression, very good neck, good top and under line, nneds more forechest in future, very good angulation, good feet, quite long ridge, very good up and down movement, nice side mover, correct temperament."
- Markku Mähönen, FI

2-3 years old:
Roskilde, 30/04 2017
"2 years 4 months, nice male head, good ears, nice dark eyes, good neck, well balanced body, good quarters, strong bones, good movement."
- Bente Marker, AU

Odense, 06/08 2017
"Beautiful drive in movement, good broad head, strong jaws, correct eyes and rims, good reach of neck, correct topline and tail, good bend of stifle, correct movement."
- Colette Muldoon, IR

Billund, 02/09 2017
"Strong boy of excellent type, very nice proportions, correct and enough strong head, well defined, correct eyes, ears well set, elegant neck, correct topline, nicely shaped croup, well indicated sternum, nice depth of chest, well angulated front and rear, offers nice free movement."
- Sárka Stusáková, CZ

Ballerup, 23/09 2017
"Good type and size, pleasing outline, good head eye and bite, good front and bone, good neck shoulder and topline, good coat, movement good both ways."
- Thomas M. Hehir, IR

3 years -
Billund, 10/03 2018
"3 years old, good bone, masculine and elegant, correct head proportiones, correct eye colour, correct ear set and carriage, correct bite, long neck, good depth of chest, ex angulations, ex topline, ex ridge, moves with good reach and drive."
- Vanessa Moyano Gonzalvez, SP

Roskilde, 12/05 2018
"Well-balanced male, good type with nice harmony, nice head and expression, correct bite, correct ears, nice muscular neck and well set shoulders, well-defined front, nice straight in bone, nice depth in body and nice long cheast bone, well-musculed hindquarters, correct ridge, well-coordinated movement with nice sett-off."
- Jessie Borregaard Madsen, DK

Strøby, 01/09 2018
"3½ year strong male, excellent type, nice head and expression, correct setting ears, a little bit open lips, elegant long neck, really good forechest and depth of chest excellent front and rear, powerful movement with lots of drive behind, nice temper, very good presentation."
- Karin van Klaveren, DE

Facts about Kenai and his siblings,
The Ni'Akoya Kougar litter:
Kennel Ni'Akoya has only had one Rhodesian Ridgeback litter:
The Kougar litter born 27th December 2014.
Julie Lorentzen, the breeder of the Kougar litter, left Kennel Ni'Akoya in the beginning of 2016 due to special circumstances, and shortly after Lena invited Julie to join Kennel Hazinas as her equal partner.
As all information about the Kougar litter was deleted from Kennel Ni'Akoya's homepage for some reason, the litter naturally became a part of the Hazinas Family and enjoy the same care and welfare as all Hazinas' litters. As the Kougar litter's mum, Hazinas 4th Tafika (called Fika), had her first 2 litters at Hazinas, we now look upon her 3rd litter as "The Kougar Litter to Hazinas". They also have their own page on our website.
Julie has earlier been a co-breeder at Kennel Hazinas, as Fika is the mother of Hazinas 5th and 6th litters.
The Kougar litter is Fika's third and last litter.
