Om Milla:
Milla kommer fra vores "10th Jubilee" kuld, som kom til verden den 25. september 2020. Hun bor med mig (Lena) - som eneste hund i øjeblikket, men vi satser på en hvalp i 2024.
Milla er en aktiv ung RR pige på 3 år, som elsker at møde mennesker og lege med andre hunde. Hun er kærlig, kontaktsøgede og yderst nem at træne. Hun forstår ikke kun kommandoer, men også sætninger (er jeg overbevist om). Indendørs kan hun sidde stille meget længe ved vinduet og holde øje med haven og vejen, eller sove i sofaen i en solstråle. Hun er også med alderen blevet en ganske fortrinlig vagthund. Og noget jeg er stolt af er indkald. Indtil videre har jeg kunnet kalde hende ind med hundefløjten hver gang. Hemligheden er Nordhund's indkaldskursus, som vi startede på, da hun var få måneder gammel, og vi gik meget langsomt fremad. Og belønningen er altid de små, runde (svenske) frikadeller, som stort set kun bruges til indkald.
Milla blev født da Coronaen havde taget godt fat i Danmark, og alt var lukket et godt stykke tid, men det lykkedes heldigvis at gå til hvalpetræning begynder og videregående, samt til lydighedstræning hos Nordhund. Hun er ekstremt lærenem og elsker at træne, lige meget hvilken disciplin. Vi har prøvet lidt Nose Work til hundetræning, og Rally Lydighed i haven, og så har hun en fantastisk spornæse. Milla er også blevet udstillet en del gange med rigtig gode resultater. Hun er en humoristisk og skæg hund - og lidt af en akrobat, sådan som hun klatrer op på ting udendørs, og laver mærkværdige flip-flops og rygrul i sofaen. Hun har en vidunderlig karakter, er venlig overfor alle hunde hun møder på sin vej, og er ikke så reserveret, som man normalt siger racen er. Hendes bedste legekammerat er en golden retriever, som hedder Shannie. De elsker at lege sammen i haven og på stranden.
Milla er blevet røntgenundersøgt i hofter, albuer og skuldre, og hun er fri for dysplasi og dermed avlsgodkendt. Lidt tid efter blev hun DNA-testet for de ting, som vi tester for i racen, og hun går fri af det hele.
Vi planlægger at parre Milla i april 2024, og krydser fingre for at der fødes hvalpe hos Kennel Hazinas i juni 2024.
Men når så alt det er sagt, så er Milla først og fremmest er fantastisk, kærlig og trofast familiehund og min elskede lille følgesvend.
About Milla:
Milla was born on 25 September 2020 (our 10th Jubilee litter). She lives with me (Lena) - as only dog, but we plan to get a puppy in 2024.
Milla is an active young 3 year old RR girl who loves to meet people and other dogs. She is loving, seeks contact and is extremely easy to train. She understands not only commands, but also whole phrases (I am quite sure about this). Indoors she likes to sit by the window and keep an eye on what goes on in the garden and out on the road, or sleep in a sunbeem on the sofa. She has also turned out to be an excellent gard dog. I have trained "Come when called" with her since she was just a few months old, and I am very proud of how much I can trust her to come when I use the dog whistle, what ever she is up to. The secret is an online course with Nordhund (a dogtraining center). And the reward is always Swedish meatballs (only used for this excercise).
Milla was born at the time when Corona had taken a firm grip of Denmark, and everything was closed down, but we managed to attend beginner and advanced puppytraning and obedience training at Nordhund. She learns really fast and loves to train in all kinds of disciplins. We have tried a little Nose Work at the obedience class, and Rally Obedience in our garden, and she also shows excellent tracking skills. She has also been in the show ring many times with really good results. She is an entertaining dog - and a bit of an acrobat, jumping and climbing op on things outdoors, and indoors making strange flip-flopps and rolling over in the sofa. She has a wonderful nature, is friendly towards other dogs she meets and not so reserved towards strangers as they normally are in her breed. Her BBF is a golden retriever called Shannie. They love to play in the garden and on the beach.
Milla has been x-rayed in hips, elbows and shoulders and is clear on all, so she is approved for breeding. She has also had the DNA screening for the things we normally test for in our breed, and she is clear on all.
We plan to mate Milla in April 2024 and cross our fingers for a litter at Kennel Hazinas in June 2024.
But having said all the above, Milla is first of all a fantastic, loving and devoted family dog and my sweet little companion.

Stamtavle / Pedigree

Milla's Data:

Født/Born |
25 September 2020 |
Far/Sire: |
C.I.B. MULTICH SEVCH Skallbjörnen's Goliat Lejonhjärta |
Mor/Dam: |
Malkias Nzuri Adia |
Højde/Height: |
66 cm |
Vægt/Weight: |
38 kg |
Pels/Coat: |
Rød hvede/Red Wheaten |
Bid/Bite: |
Komplet og correct saksebid
Complete and correct scissor bite |
HD: |
A/B |
ED: |
0/0 |
OCD: |
Fri/Free |
JME: |
N/N (clear) |
DM: |
N/N (clear) |
N/N (clear) |
MH: |
N/N (clear) |
HemB:: |
Xn/Xn (clear) |
D-locus: |
D/D |
B-locus: |
B/b |
Ridge: |
R/r |
Mentaltest: |
DKK's Unghundementalbeskrivelse (UHM): Gennemført.
Milla's resultater var virkelig gode. Hun afreagerede hurtigt og gik lynhurtigt hen og undersøgte, hvad der havde larmet eller forskrækket hende i overraskelsesmomenterne. Og hun viste også, at hun var 100 % skudfast ved alle 4 skud.
DKK's mental test: Completed.
Milla's results were really good. She
quickly stopped her reaction to the high sounds and surprises and hurried over to see what had made the high sounds and surprises. Also she proved that she was 100 % gunshotproof during the 4 gun shots at the end of the test.
Temperament: |
Yderst venlig og glad. Elsker at lege. Yderst velbalanceret og viser ikke nogen tegn på nervøsitet i nogen situation. Løfter ikke et øjenbryn under tordenvejr, fyrværkeri eller skud i jagtsæson. Yderst venlig omgang med andre hunde. Nem at træne. Gode sporegenskaber.
Very friendly and happy. Loves to play. Is very well-balanced and does not show any nerveous behaviour in any situations. Does not lift an eyebrow during thunder, fireworks or shooting in the hunting season. Very easygoing with other dogs. Easy to train. Good tracking skills.

Show Dog:
Milla har deltaget i flere udstillinger siden hun var hvalp og vi håber at fortsætte med at udstille hende så meget som muligt fremover.
Milla has attended several dog shows since she was a young puppy, and we plan to continue to participate as much as we can in the future.

Klubudstilling i Årslev, April 2021 / Club CAC Show in Årslev, April 2021
Da Milla var 7 måneder gammel , fik Milla præmieringen Særdeles Lovende og blev Best in Show Hvalp. Herefter har hun stået blandt de 4 bedste tæver 3 gange.
When Milla was 7 months old the Corona authorities opened up for small gatherings, and Milla participated for the first time in the show ring at an outdoors club specialty - in pouring rain. Milla was rather unaffected about the rain and she went Most Promising 1 and BISS Puppy. As they opened up more, we started her show dog carreer.

Hun blev Årets Mellemklasse Tæve 2022/2023 og har vundet BIR, BIM, og vandt konkurrencen Bedste Hoved på RRK's Ridgeback-dagen 2023, dommer Timmy U. Ralfe (SA), hvilket gjorde mig meget stolt:
She was awarded Intermediate Female of The Year 2022/2023 and she has won BOB and BOS, and at the Danish Rhodesian Ridgeback Club's Specialty Show 2023 she was awarded Best Head by judge Timmy U. Ralfe (SA), which made me very proud:

Udpluk af udstillingsresultater / Selection of show results:
Date |
Organizer |
Sted/Place |
Dommer/Judge |
Præmiering/Placement |
Puppy class: |
11-04-2021 |
Årslev |
J. Borregaard Madsen, DK |
Most Promising 1, Best Puppy |
16-05-2021 |
Hadsten |
S. Nørholm Elgaard, DK |
Most Promising 2 |
Junior class: |
11-09-2021 |
Søften |
Nada Nikolic, DK |
Excellent 3 CQ |
16-10-2021 |
Aars |
Gerner Sørensen, DK |
Excellent 1, Best Junior Female |
04-12-2021 |
Strøby |
Jeanette Balkan, DK |
Excellent 1 CQ, 4th Best Female Jun.CAC, Club Jun.CAC |
06-03-2022 |
Strib |
Erwin Deutscher |
Excellent 3 CQ |
Intermediate: |
24-04-2022 |
Strøby |
Marjon Franke, NL |
Excellent 1 CQ |
28-05-2022 |
Århus |
Shaun Watson |
Excellent 1 CQ 4th Best Female R.CAC |
07-08-2022 |
Horsens |
Thomas M. Hehir, IR |
Excellent 1 CQ 3rd Best Female R.CAC R.Nordic CAC |
03-09-2022 |
Strøby |
Orit Nevo, IR |
Excellent 1 CQ |
04-09-2022 |
Strøby |
Linda Costa, AU |
Excellent 3 CQ |
Open: |
24-06-2023 |
Bornholm |
Jessie Borregaard Madsen |
Excellent 1 CQ Best Female, BOS, CAC, CACIB |
25-06-2023 |
Bornholm |
Maja Korosec |
Excellent 2, CQ, 4th Best Female |
22-07-2023 |
Hamburg |
Ludmilla Fintorova, SK |
Winner (V1), Best Female, CAC and Club CAC (RRCD) |
23-07-2023 |
Hamburg |
Iveta Vejtekova, SK |
Winner (V1), BOB, CAC and Club CAC (RRCD) |
18-08-2023 |
Vejen |
Jari Partanen |
Excellent 1, CQ, 4th Best Female |
22-09-2023 |
Roskilde |
Toke Larsen |
Excellent 3, CQ |
23-09-2023 |
Roskilde |
Brigitte Thilemann |
Excellent 3, CQ |
24-09-2023 |
Roskilde |
Arnstein Hagen |
Excellent 2, CQ |
CQ = Champion Quality, CAC = Certificate, R. = Reserve

Milla's forældre - Milla's parents: 

MOR/MOTHER: Malkias Nzuri Adia
Millas mor, Adia, kommer fra Kennel Malkias, hvor Adias mor, Hazinas 6th Funanya By U (Naya), bor. Gå til Adia's egen webside
Milla's mother, Adia, comes from Kennel Malkias, where Adia's mother, Hazinas 6th Funanya By U (Naya) lives. Go to Adia's own website


FAR/FATHER: MultiCh Skallbjörnens Goliat Lejonhjärta
Goliat er en ekstremt venlig Ridgeback han, og også meget smuk - og succesrig i udstillingsringen. Han bor i Sverige nær Stockholm med sin familie. Vi er super taknemmelige for at Lisa lod os bruge Goliat til vores 10th jubilæums kuld.
Gå til Goliat's egen webside
Goliat is an extremely friendly Ridgeback male, and also very beautifull - and very successfull in the show ring. He lives in Sweden near Stockholm with his family. We are so grateful to Lisa for letting us use Goliat for our 10th Jubilee litter.
Go to Goliat's own website

Goliat |

Milla's siblings: 
Milla has 4 sisters and 5 brothers. Here are some head photos when they were 3 weeks old:
Miss Black - MILLA:

Miss Brown - GEMMA

Miss Orange - NANDI

Miss Red - BESS

Miss Pink - NALA

Mr Green - JANGO

Mr Grey - FELIX

Mr Dark Blue - KEPLER

Mr Lilac - BAILEY

Mr Pale Blue - CARLO


Presentation of the puppies nearly 8 weeks old:
Copyright © Hazinas 2023 - All rights reserved. |